

PROtection and regeneration of MOuNTains

09.2024 – 08.2027

The PROMONT project focuses on rural mountain areas in the ADRION region, which host unique biodiversity but are increasingly threatened by overexploitation of resources, unsustainable economic practices, and seasonal mass tourism. These areas, like many rural regions, are managed by local public authorities responsible for large territories with limited human and financial resources, as well as few opportunities for capacity building. PROMONT represents a collective effort to address these complex and pressing challenges, calling for international collaboration to effectively tackle them. The transnational approach allows to maximize not only the access to resources and opportunities, but also the dissemination of scientific results and the strengthening of collaborative relations between the various partners and territories within and outside the project itself.
The project's main objectives are to protect the unique biodiversity of Adriatic-Ionian mountains while fostering the involvement and empowerment of local communities in developing sustainable and regenerative practices. In addition, PROMONT supports the local economy by promoting environmentally responsible economic activities and strengthens an international network of mountain stakeholders through collaborative actions and knowledge-sharing. On a more concrete level, objectives are pursued through research and testing of innovative solutions, exchange and transferring of best practices and development of common tools.


International Hellenic University
Πιερική Αναπτυξιακή Ο.Τ.Α. Α.Ε.
LAG Baldo Lessinia (IT)
RDA Green Karst Ltd (SI)
Regional Centre for Development and Cooperation- RCDC (AL)
Municipality of Neum (BIH)
Tourist Organisation Andrijevica (ME)
Adriatic Ionian Euroregion (CRO)

Interreg ADRION