Design Collaboration for Sustainable Business
04.2024 – 12.2028
The objective of the DeCo project is to improve local, regional and national development policies through exchange of experience, innovative approaches and capacity building in sustainable and circular design, production and manufacturing. During the project, a Local Stakeholders Group will be established in the Region of Central Macedonia in order to support and promote sustainable production and consumption. Moreover, field trips will be organized and best practices across Europe and internationally, will be identified and documented, while also the present status regionally will be analyzed, so as to support relevant policy making.
International Hellenic University
LAB University of Applied Sciences (FI)
Public Institution for the Development of the Međimurje County REDEA (HR)
Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia
Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre Ostrava (CZ)
The Finnish Society of Crafts and Design (FI)
Wallonie Design (BE)
Regional Council of Päijät-Häme (FI)
Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Spain (ES)
Podkarpackie Innovation Centre (PL)
Interreg Europe